Contact Network with Friends

Use the commin contact network to contact ::community.friend:. "::community.friend:" can be registered independently of other communities. You can naturally organize your memorable photos and videos while enjoying the usual chat.

Reasons why the best for Contact Network of Friends

Chat / Call

The commin contact network is a great tool for contacting friends. It has a general chat function and can make calls and video calls, so it also functions as a contact tool for everyday use. Since it is linked with albums and schedules, you can share memories and adjust schedules smoothly.

Sharing Memories

When you played with your friends, you will often contact of the day and share photos with them in chat. With commin, photos and videos shared in the chat will be reflected in the chat participants' albums as they are. So your friends don't have to download and reorganize it from the chat again.

Schedule Adjustment

If you have a travel or play topic in the chat, you can check everyone's schedule on the spot in commin. With the schedule confirmation tool, you can adjust the schedule immediately.

Calendar Sharing

Once you've decided on a plan to play, share your calendar on the spot. It can be reflected in the calendar of everyone involved, so if someone registers, others don't have to organize it.

NO friend register without your permission

Only people who know the invitation link you created can apply for friends. Therefore, you will not be asked to apply for a friend by phone number or commin's account name.
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